“How to escape your prison” (MRT)
How to Escape Your Prison, Moral Reconation Therapy popularly known as MRT, is a systematic, cognitive-behavioral, step-by-step treatment strategy designed to enhance self-image, promote growth of a positive, productive identity, and facilitate the development of higher stages of moral reasoning. MRT significantly increases moral reasoning levels, enhances life purpose, facilitates increased social support, and give participants more perceived control over their lives. The underlying goal is to change conscious decision-making to higher levels of moral reasoning. All of these goals are ultimately demonstrated by more appropriate behavior on the part of the program’s participants.
MRT is widely recognized as an “Evidence-Based Practice” as well as a “Best Practice” by numerous governmental agencies and treatment authorities.
MRT has 16 Steps with 12 of these to be completed within 18-24 weekly group sessions. Open presentation of assignment determines if the client is ready to proceed.
Mondays at 3 p.m.
All group classes are currently being held in person at 802 2nd Street, Gretna, La 70053
coping with anger (anger management)
Coping with Anger is targeted to adults who have problems managing feelings that lead to anger and frustration. It is used with violent offenders, argumentative or oppositional participants, with road rage sufferers, as a supplemental program with domestic abuse perpetrators, with substance abuse, and with drug courts.
The program is in use in corrections, probation and parole, community corrections, diversion programs, juvenile programs, and in private treatment settings. This workbook is intended to be used in groups with participants who are learning to manage their feelings and behaviors accompanying anger.
The program has modules which are completed in 8 group sessions.
Thursdays at 2 p.m.
All group classes are currently being held in person at 802 2nd Street, Gretna, La 70053
Bringing peace to relationships (domestic abuse intervention)
Bringing Peace to Relationships is targeted for use with batterer and perpetrators of domestic violence. This program covers issues of power and control as outlined in the steps of Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT).
The program is designed to comply with various state and local regulations regarding treatment of perpetrators of domestic violence.
This program has 16 Chapters to be completed in a self-paced group format in a minimum of 26 sessions which is held weekly. All group facilitators must complete MRT Domestic Abuse Intervention training.
Males - Mondays at 11 a.m. & Tuesdays at 5 p.m.
Females - Tuesdays at 2 p.m.
All group classes are currently being held on Zoom.
Staying quit (relapse prevention)
Staying Quit is based on a cognitive behavioral approach to relapse prevention. This relapse prevention program is currently used in drug/DUI courts, corrections, probation and parole, community corrections, and diversion programs as well as in the private sector.
Staying Quit is geared to virtually any setting and focuses on risky situations, scripting changes, coping with urges and cravings, being around users, understanding support issues, and taking charge of self. Participants will tell you when and where they will relapse—and with whom–if you know how to ask. This enables you to target the most risky situations.
This program consists of 8 modules which is expected to be completed in 8 group sessions.
Mondays at 1 p.m.
Wednesdays at 3 p.m.
Thursdays at 11 a.m.
All group classes are currently being held in person at 802 2nd Street, Gretna, La 70053
“Thinking for good” (Cognitive behavioral skill building)
Thinking for Good is used for resistant offenders and resistant participants. It focuses especially on typical criminal thinking issues, such as: “Everyone lies, cheats, and steals; No one can be trusted; The rules don’t apply to me; All relationships are manipulative.”
The program is used with resistant offender populations. It prepares the most resistant participants for additional treatment. Traditionally this program is used prior to participating in a more long-term treatment, such as MRT. It is typically used in corrections, community corrections, and in probation and parole settings.
This program is divided into 10 modules which are each presented in a group session held weekly.
Tuesdays at 11 a.m.
Wednesdays at 12 p.m.
All group classes are currently being held in person at 802 2nd Street, Gretna, La 70053
“something for nothing” (Shoplifting)
Something for Nothing is directly targeted to offenders who are arrested for shoplifting. The program directly confronts and exposes the thinking and behaviors underlying shoplifting and is used in corrections, probation and parole, in diversion programs, and in private treatment settings.
The workbook contains exercises that are completed in 6 weekly group sessions.
Tuesdays at 3 p.m.
All group classes are currently being held on Zoom.