Located in Thomas F. Donelon Building Suite 1403 of the 24th Judicial District Court.
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Days of operation: Monday through Friday
Telephone number: 504-364-3798
The Collections office is charged with collecting the court costs, fines and fees assessed by the Judges and Criminal Commissioners of the 24th JDC, in both felony and misdemeanor cases. Much of the court costs and fines are remitted to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office for proper disbursement. The additional fees are disbursed by the Collections office.
The collections of the fines and fees are aggressive and are handled as such by late notice mailings, telephone calls and other collections methods. The Collections Office files Rules for Contempt and Rules to Revoke for non payment of court costs, fines and fees, which are then heard before a Judge of the 24th Judicial District Court for disposition. The Collections Office will file a Civil Money Judgment after 60 days if court costs, fines and fees are not paid in full.
The Collections Office is also responsible for more than 6000 collection cases owing money to the 24th Judicial District Court.
Victim Restitution: The Collections Office shall collect restitution as ordered by the court and disburse those funds to the victims. Victims are identified by the Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s Office.
Drug Testing: As ordered by the courts, the Collections Office also administers drug screenings of defendants and/or litigants in Criminal and Civil Domestic cases as directed by the Judges.
The Collections Office accepts major credit cards, debit cards, money orders, cash, and certified checks. Payments may be made in office Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or online 24 hours per day by major credit cards, debit cards or pre-paid debit cards through GovPayNet. Cardholders pay a fee for payments by credit card, debit card or pre-paid debit card.