Evidence Presentation Online Court — Online Court - 24th JDC Online Court

Evidence Presentation

The 24th JDC has an Evidence Presentation System in all 16 divisions of court.  The system allows attorneys to present evidence via their laptop or through the use of the system supplied digital presenter.  The digital presenter is used to project documents and physical evidence to video displays throughout the courtroom.  Attorneys can present documents and video evidence via their laptop.  All courtrooms are equipped with a 65” Plasma display mounted across from the jury box so jurors may view evidence.  Each attorney table has a 17” monitor on their table to view evidence.  Each witness stand, podium and Judge’s bench has a 19” monitor, with the ability to annotate.  Each courtroom is equipped with a printer so that photographs and documents may be printed and entered into evidence.  If you plan to use the evidence presentation system in a hearing or trial, it is recommended that you contact the division in which you will be appearing for instructions on how to use the equipment.  The system is very user friendly, but there are some things the division can instruct you on to make your presentation go smoothly.

Please download the Evidence Presentation System document below.

Evidence Presentation System